Health Care in Spain

When you are looking to purchase a property in Spain, one thing you will want to ensure is that should something happen you have the ability to consult a doctor. This Article describes the process to obtain health care in Spain, we would always advise you to check with a Gestor or Lawyer who specialises in Visa and Healthcare. 

Healthcare in Spain is very similar to most EU countries. The two options are 

  1. Private - Paying directly or under and Insurance Policy

  2. Public - Sistema Nacional de Salud-SNS

1. There are a wide variety of options for Private Hospitals in the Costa Blanca, including IMED, Vithas. When choosing Private Healthcare you can pay for treatment directly to the Hospital or you can take a private Insurance from one of the many companies, e.g.. DKV, AXA, Allianz

The same applies should you be under retirement age or not

2. To obtain cover from the Public system you will need to go down one of the following Options

2.1 Retirees (Over 65 years)

If you are retiring from an EU Country then you should ask for an S1 from your home countries Public Health System, this will enable to you to obtain health care from the Spanish State system with no additional cost

If you are retiring from a Non Eu Country you can pay voluntarily into the Spanish State system (Convenio Especial) for a cost of €157 per month, this will give you full coverage under the Public Health Care System

2.2 Retirees (under 65 years)

If you are retiring from a Non Eu Country you can pay voluntarily into the Spanish State system (Convenio Especial) for a cost of €60 per month, this will give you full coverage under the Public Health Care System

2.3 Working under 65 years

If you are under retirement age you can choose to work under an employment contract with a company, or set yourself up as Self Employed, under both methods you will be contributing to the Sistema Nacional de Salud-SNS (Social Security)

3. How do I apply for State Healthcare (EU Citizens)

3.1 Obtain a Social Security Number (Número de Seguridad Social, or NSS): This can be done at the local Social Security office (Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social, or INSS) by submitting the necessary documents, including your passport or identification document, proof of residency, and employment or other relevant documentation.

3.2 Register as a Resident: If you are not already registered as a resident in Spain, you will need to do so at the nearest Foreigner's Office (Oficina de Extranjeros). This step is crucial to access public healthcare, as it establishes your legal status in the country.

3.3 Obtain a Health Card: Once you have your NSS and are registered as a resident, you can apply for a Health Card (Tarjeta Sanitaria Individual or TSI). The Health Card serves as proof of your eligibility for public healthcare services. To obtain the card, you need to visit your local Primary Healthcare Center (Centro de Salud) with the following documents: your Social Security Number, proof of residency, and your passport or identification document.

3.4 Choose a Primary Care Center: With your Health Card in hand, you can select a Primary Care Center where you will receive most of your healthcare services. The Primary Care Center will assign you a general practitioner (médico de cabecera) who will be your primary healthcare provider. You can find a list of Primary Care Centers in your area on the website of the regional health department or by contacting your local town hall.

3.5 Accessing Specialized Care: If your general practitioner determines that you need specialised care, they will refer you to a specialist or a hospital for further evaluation and treatment. The referral process ensures that you receive the appropriate level of care for your medical condition.

3.6 Emergency Care: In case of a medical emergency, you can go directly to the emergency department of a public hospital. Public hospitals in Spain provide emergency care to all individuals, regardless of their healthcare coverage or insurance status.

3.7 Prescription Medications: To obtain prescription medications, you can visit the pharmacy associated with your Primary Care Center. Most prescription medications in Spain require a co-payment, which means you may need to contribute a portion of the cost based on your income level.

4. Non EU/EFTA Citizens

If a NonEU/EFTA citizen wishes to move to Spain on a non-working basis they will need to apply for a “Non-Lucrative” Visa, part of the requirements for this are that you take out a Private Insurance Policy which covers you in the same way that the National Health Service would cover you.


This document is correct at the time of writing, we would always advise you to check with a Gestor or Lawyer who specialises in Visa and Healthcare.

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